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            Traits are genetic anomalies that are usually the result of magic used on the baby before birth, but can be a magic affected genetic anomaly capable of being hereditary. Either way, traits are genetic mutations that stem from the use of magic, and thus are fairly rare. Those that have a trait are only capable of having one, as multiple traits in one individual would cause birth defects that would kill the child before they were even born (no exceptions, if you try to rp having multiple traits you will be subject to a ban)(This includes races that come with traits, ie: if your race has a trait already, your character can't have a different one as well). Only 1/10,000 people have one of the following traits:


True Sight

            A trait that allows the person with it to be able to see through any magical illusions or trickery. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of allowing them to always know when someone is or is not telling the truth as long as they can see the person.


Silver Ears

            A trait that allows the person with it to be incapable of being harmed, charmed, or tricked by auditory dependent spells. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of allowing them to have heightened hearing, similar to that of a bat’s.


The Returning

            A trait that allows the person with it to be able to learn any attack, physical and magic after seeing it only once. They will not be able to perform the attack themselves (unless they undergo the same amount of training it would take anyone else to learn it), but they will be able to predict the attack with 99% accuracy in order to dodge or counter it. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of allowing them to predict the start of a fight 1 full minute before it happens (if the opening attack is one they have seen before).


Quick Foot

            A trait that allows the person with it to be able to move 2x as fast as anyone else in their race. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of allowing them to move up to 10x as fast as anyone else in their race.


Altered Sight

            A trait that allows the person with it to be able to see ‘differently’. This trait most commonly arises in people that are born blind as it allows them to see through either thermal signatures (they can see the world as areas of heat and cold), air currents (they can see things that move or breathe by being able to see the air around them as if it were a solid that movements send out vibrations into), or dark vision (they can see in dark -even pitch black- as if it were bright light out. Normal light levels burn their eyes and effectively blind them). If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of allowing them to ‘see’ in all conditions and capacities.


Closed Mind

            A trait that allows the person with it to be able to be unaffected by telepathy (they will not be able to hear projected thoughts either), hypnosis, or any mind altering spells. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of allowing them to be impossible to trick, charm, con, or influence in any way.


Third Eye

            A trait that allows the person with it to be able to predict the future without the use of spells, runes, circles, or magic items. The details they get are simply regarding the most likely future, not necessarily the correct one. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of allowing them to see all possible futures.


Strong Arm

            A trait that allows the person with it to be 2x as strong as anyone else of their race. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of allowing them to be up to 10x as strong as anyone else of their race.



            A trait that allows the person with it to be able to regenerate. This ability only applies to physical wounds and doesn’t apply to illnesses or poisons. The rate of regeneration is typically 1 hour per wound. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of allowing them to regenerate at a rate of as little as 10 minutes per wound.


Elemental Protection

            A trait that allows the person with it to be protected by the elements. This trait typically only occurs in those destined to be priests or powerful mages of a certain elemental magic, as with this trait, the individual will be protected from one element. The element is determined at birth, and essentially what it means is that they can never be harmed by the element and the element will go out of its way to protect them/make them feel comfortable. For example, someone born with fire elemental protection can never be burned, be too hot or too cold, be hurt by anything hot, be harmed by fire magic, and be allowed to die by anything except old age. This is an extremely rare trait, and some view it as a curse, as the element will keep the person alive at all costs, even if it means killing those around them or preventing them from taking their own life. In some terrible cases, an element has been known to kill entire families or even entire villages in order to ‘protect’ the person. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of “allowing” them to be protected by multiple elements.


Forsaken Magic

            A trait that allows the person with it to never have to learn spells, use runes, learn casting techniques, or etc as they are capable of simply casting the magic at will. This trait only surfaces in those with innate individual magic and only applies to the specific innate individual magic type. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of allowing them to perform spells, that would normally require magic circles or multiple casters, at will and on their own.


Golden Tongue

            A trait that allows the person with it to be able to be unnaturally charismatic, to the point that it could almost be considered hypnotism. This trait can allow the person to take a violent, seemingly unreasonable enemy and be able to convince them that they are a lifelong friend. Unfortunately, those with this trait typically turn to thievery as they find that they are able to acquire any item simply by talking their way in and out of an area. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of allowing them to be able to convince people to even be their undeniably loyal slaves.


Arcane Intellect

            A trait that allows the person with it to learn any craft (not including magic) at 3x the normal speed. This trait allows the person to learn everything there is to know about it, but not be able to execute it. For example, they will be able to learn 3 years’ worth of study material on the art of jewelry making in only 1 year, but they will not be able to execute the task. Due to this, many with the trait will stick to learning things that they can instruct others on, and make a living that way. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, it is capable of allowing them to learn anything at up to 10x the normal speed.


Earth Sense

            A trait that allows the person with it to be able to feel even the smallest tremors or inconsistencies in the earth up to 100 feet in diameter around them. This means that it is impossible to sneak up on them unless the approach is by water or air because they will be able to feel the vibrations made by footsteps. It also allows them to feel where certain minerals, ores, and etc are as they count as “inconsistencies”. If this trait is extremely powerful in an individual, the diameter of sense-able earth expands to up to 500 feet and they are capable of ‘seeing’ things around them as long as they are connected to the earth in some way or another (this includes if they are in a building or being carried or etc).

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